Creative and high performing CRM comms for QSR loyalty members

The brief

Balancing efficiency and production value

Colonel’s Club was KFCs customer loyalty programme, with approx. 1.5m members (mainly signed up via their loyalty app).

We were appointed to managed strategy, creative, production and deployment of CRM comms to them ember base across monthly campaign windows, working closely with the cross-agency team to ensure alignment with ATL campaigns.

KFC were ambitious about delivering a highly creative and engaging CRM programme, however faced a challenge of how to do this on short turnaround timings due to the cross-agency creative process.

The solution

Lean production approach and data driven strategy

We developed a lean and collaborative creative production process that enabled quick turnaround and cost efficiencies, while retaining high production values.

The comms strategy was also underpinned by a strong data driven approach. Through the use of control cells, we were able to establish that customers who normally open emails were 1.4x more valuable after just receiving an email, and 3x more valuable after opening them.

Comms were also targeted by behavioral segments, with targeting by customer life time value and product preference, and use of offer pricing, all driving significant increases in purchase rates.

The results

Hardworking creative comms to drive sales

Our highly creative comms and use of interactive content drove strong open rates and content engagement, consistently performing above industry averages.

The data driven approach also delivered significant results such as:

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